Best Niche for Blogging with Low Competition 202210 min read

Best Niche for Blogging with Low Competition

Prior to beginning a blog website, niche research is very crucial because if you don’t know which is the best niche for blogging with low competition then you cannot build a successful blog site. Furthermore, if you will write random topics on your website, then your rivals will likewise be random and will challenge you from all angles.

As a result of this, you can become permanently demotivated, give up, or stop trying. Or you can discover your micro niche after wasting a lot of time and money battling against the wrong competitors.

So, in this article, we’ll guide you on how to identify the best niche for blogging with low competition, which will enable you to make significant time and financial savings.

How to Select the Best Niche for Blogging

In order for you to begin your blogging career right away and rank your blog site more quickly, we have already done extensive research and have come up with 10 niche ideas. It should be noted that These are all Micro Niches, meaning they have been vetted to target a specific market.
You can follow the steps below to find your desired area to start blogging:

  • Deep Research
  • Make a list of Potential Websites available in that particular Niche
  • Deep Keywords Research
  • High Volume
  • Low Competition
  • At least 50 Keywords in the selected niche

How to Select the Best Niche for Blogging 2022

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Best Niches for Blogging 2022

1. Cooking

Since the kitchen is the center of every home, cooking is by far one of the best niches. In addition, you have access to a wealth of content ideas for your blog. You can easily locate this specialized content on YouTube, websites, and Google, where you can also learn further cooking techniques. The cooking and food niche is less crowded and has a wide range of topics you can cover on your websites, such as recipes, kitchen gadgets, ingredients, diet plans, the best cuisine for a limited budget, and much more.

Cooking and Food Website niches for blogging

2. Education Toys

To begin with, to start a less competitive blog and rank fast, one of the best areas is educational toys.
For instance, in the Corona era, parents preferred to teach their children at home with educational toys or instruments, and websites today also allow us to do so.
Additionally, after Corona, almost all Educational systems are now dependent on online websites and online apps. To summarize there are so many toys that are used for education these days. Some are traditional toys while others are more specialized.

Education toys best blog niche for 2022
In light of this, you may create a blog discussing the various methods in which parents can educate their kids using educational toys like Board Games, Puzzles, Art Supplies, Science Supplies, etc.

3. Parenting

The parenting niche has a significant influence, is less crowded, and is of utmost importance.

Many individuals in this technologically advanced age suffer when it comes to parenting, therefore having a mommy site will support them in many areas of their concerns about their kids and parenting style.

Parenting best niche to start blogging 2022

With your mommy-specific website, you can give them detailed instructions. Your parenting specialty can include subject areas like:

  • Parenting a Newborn
  • Raising teens
  • Baby Food Recipes
  • Be a Better Parent
  • Raising Boys vs Raising Girls
  • Raising Twins
  • Baby sign languages
  • Work-at-Home Parents
  • Breastfeeding
  • Childcare
  • Family Exercises
  • Faith related Activities
  • Pregnancy and First Parents

This is the ideal option for you to start in 2022 if you are new to blogging and if you are an experienced parent since it contains the best blogging niche ideas.

4. Fashion

For individuals who are passionate about the sector, blogging about garments and fashion trends has been successful. But as a newbie in this niche, you will face a challenge that is keeping up with the various trends. If you’re a new blogger or don’t want to push yourself too much, it’s also one of the easiest and least competitive subjects you may pick.

Fashion best niche for blogging with low competition 2022

If we talk about fashion niches, there are countless micro fashion niche ideas, and if you are good at fashion, people will be interested in your beauty recommendation and fashion lifestyle.

You can build a blog that is only specific to Men or Women’s clothes, designers or better beauticians, or multiple fashions whatever you like in your blogging add it.
Other Micro Fashion areas that you can talk about are:

  • Beauty Tips
  • Fitness Tips
  • Luxury Designs
  • DIY Fashion
  • Jewelry and Accessories
  • Affordable Fashion
  • Fashion for Kids
  • Fashion Courses
  • Business Wear
  • Special Occasion Wear
  • How to Fit ownself staying at Home/Personal Styling
  • Fashion Design and Trends
  • Seasonal Wear, etc.

Fashion best niche for blogging with low competition 2022

This niche is very easy and comfortable you make your dreams come true. You can monetize your site for posts through sponsored content or product reviews.

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5. Home Gardening

The competition in this field is becoming very tough every day. However, there are still lots of opportunities for you to enter this market because here you will discover the best niche for blogging with low competition under Home Gardening.
Sometimes we have spare time at home when we can relax and relieve stress. The advice is to specialize in home gardening and treat it seriously. You’ll have a lot of fun writing about gardening because it’s a topic that helps humans who suffer from anxiety.

Home Gardening which is the best niche for blogging 2022

This area also known as a Green Niche refers to a niche topic that has something to do with the environment.

Besides if you know how to grow up your business (Home Gardening website) with it while staying home then you will be making a lot of money in your free time.

Home Gardening best niche blogs 2022

In this niche, you can discover and write about topics such as:

  • Green Products
  • Organic Foods
  • Vegetables, Plants, and Seeds
  • Climate change
  • Green businesses
  • Global warming
  • Organic Products
  • Solar Power
  • Vegetable Gardening
  • Herb Gardening
  • Flower Gardening
  • Fruit gardening
  • Organic Gardening
  • Green Homes and Offices
  • Healthy Eating
  • Green Living
  • Green Energy
  • Recycling & Repurposing
  • Urban Farming
  • Waste Reduction & Management, etc.

6. Saving Money

This niche is all about how to use your money in the right way. Saving money is the best essential thing in our life. How to live your life in a proper productive way? This niche will help you create a wonderful blogging website that is unique to saving and generating more income, building wealth, and achieving financial independence.

Most people like content related to saving and making more money, with this low competition class of niche, building your career is one of the best side hustles that you shouldn’t pass up.

Saving Money best blogging niche ideas

With this theme, you can find multiple opportunities to make your traffic by advising people to save money.

7. Self-Development and Self-Care

The process of personal development, or psychological development, is known as self-development. Additionally, self-care implies that you will be concerned with your personality, which fits with the human nature theory.

If you are a beginner and interested to make your blog then this is the best niche for blogging with low competition. It’s very engaging and has fewer contestants.

Self-development and Self-care, personal care niche website quote, Lao Tzu

It’s attractive to the human mind people are very doubtful about their personality and self-care so make your website and start publishing content about personality development.

You can write content about the following topics:

  • Personal Awareness
  • Focus & Productivity
  • Stress Management
  • Goal Setting & Habits Development
  • Spirituality & Mindfulness
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Happiness & Success
  • Career Development & Upskilling

8. Fishing

Fishing is a great hobby for anyone besides it is a popular pastime enjoyed by people all over the world. 

Blogs on fishing are a great idea for folks who enjoy catching fish. In addition, there is little rivalry, making it one of the greatest blogging niches. This implies that writing about fishing-related topics including fishing rods, species of fish, and various fishing techniques, such as:

  • Fly Fishing
  • Spinning Fishing
  • Bait Fishing
  • Bass Fishing
  • Saltwater Fishing

In addition to this, you can write about the lakes and rivers where you catch amazing-quality fish and where you find fish. Furthermore, you can write about the tools that work best for your audience while also sharing your own expertise, advice, and suggestions.

Fishing Niche best blog niche for 2022

In the end, you can make money by monetizing your website with advertisers like Google Ads, Ezoic, and other affiliate networks like the Amazon Associate Program.

9. Finance

The finance niche is a crucial area in which you might attempt to compete with the less-competitive finance sector.

If you want to write about finance, you must have a strong understanding of the subject. There are many various financial concepts, and it might be challenging to comprehend them all.

Numerous content ideas can be obtained on websites like YouTube channels and other Google-accessible information. You might also enroll in a finance course to learn more about finance.

You can write about different financial topics such as:

  • Accounting
  • Inflation
  • Insurance
  • Personal Finance
  • Home Finance & Budgeting
  • Business Finance
  • Investment & Banking
  • Surviving Bankruptcy
  • Financial Planning
  • Saving Money
  • Credit and Loans
  • Make Money Online
  • Startup Ideas
  • Trading
  • Taxes and Tax Filing
  • Wealth Building and Management and much more…!

Finance blogging niche ideas 2022

To get an idea and if have a mind to use this niche your own business will not depend on someone in the niche to tell you about how to earn money and how to stick your traffic.

10. Travel

Because readers are constantly interested in your material to find out more about the locations you have been and written about, travel blogs are incredibly entertaining to read. 

There are several locations to visit throughout the world, and each one has a special charm. There is a place out there for everyone, regardless of whether you enjoy white sand beaches or imposing mountains.

But which one is right for you? Well, that’s where travel blogs come in.

Travel best niche to start blogging 2022

Besides, Travel blogging is the best niche for blogging with low competition. You can write posts about the several options for luxurious travel with your family, friends, coworkers, and relatives. You can also write content about, advice on how to spend your money more wisely or how to enjoy your trip while spending less.

Some other Travel Posts that you can write about on your site:

  • Travel from Boats
  • Travel from Airplane
  • Travel from Train
  • Places you’ve Visited
  • Your own Experience & Travel Stories
  • Your Professional Traveling Skills
  • Famous Explorers & Places
  • Inspiring Adventurers Blogs
  • Luxurious Travelling
  • Your Travel Essentials
  • Honeymoon Destinations
  • Things to Do & Not to Do


In this writing, we’ll guide you on how to identify the best niche for blogging with low competition. The cooking and food niche is less crowded and has a wide range of topics you can cover on your websites. Furthermore, the parenting niche has a significant influence and is of utmost importance.

Almost all Educational systems are now dependent on online websites and online apps. To start a less competitive blog and rank fast, one of the most reasonable areas is educational toys.

If you are good at fashion, people will be interested in your beauty recommendation and fashion lifestyle. on the other hand, Home Gardening is one of the easiest and least competitive subjects you may pick.

Saving and making more money is a subject all about how to use your money in the right way. With this theme, you can find multiple opportunities to make your traffic by advising people How to save money? Finance is an essential area in which you might attempt to compete with the less competitive finance sector.

Personal development, or psychological development, is known as self-development. If you are a beginner and interested to make your blog site then this will be the best micro niche for blogging in 2022-2023.

Fishing is a great hobby for anyone. Posts on fishing are a great idea for people who enjoy catching fish. While on the other hand, if you like traveling then your readers will be constantly affected by your material to find out more about the places you have been and written about, travel blogs are incredibly entertaining to read. 

Ultimately, these niches are best for anyone who wants to start a career in blogging and rank their content faster and organically. 

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